HEYDAILYONBOARDING FORM Name * First Name Last Name Email * Legal Business Name * Enter the exact legal business name, as registered with the EIN e.g. HeyDaily Inc. rather than HeyDaily Business address * Business address is needed to register you for sending mass SMS Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Business Number * This is your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Federal Tax Registration number. Business Regions of Operations Africa Asia Europe Latin America USA and Canada Business type sole propietorship partnership corporation co-operative LLC nonprofit corporation Phone number * Please add your country code Sender ID * ID you would like to be displayed when people get your message instead of a number. It can't be longer than 11 characters (with spaces). Please rather not use just your first name. Subscription monthly price * Decide on a price you would like to charge people for your services & add the currency Subscription content * Write in summary (e.g. bullet points) what the subscription will include. About Me * Write "about me" text to be displayed on the landing page Sending photos * Send photos for the landing page (around 2) and a welcome text + video to your HeyDaily contact. Thank you! We will set everything up and once it’s is ready - we will send you an email to schedule the final call!