1 - Lesson, "What is Meditation?" Welcome! Here is your first attuning lesson, and what what to expect in this journey...
4L & 5M - Human Design Fundamentals, a two-part lesson. Plus, a meditation: Calm, Serene State, Cloud Imagery
8L Divine Breath, Shifting Trauma Responses to Connect with Intuition - A Two-Part Lesson on Meditation
11L Divination, a two-part lesson
14L How Meditation Shifts Patterns
16L Tarot Part 1 with Michelle Vezilj
19L Tarot Part 2 with Michelle Vezilj
22L Tarot Part 3 with Michelle Vezilj
24L Human Design Authorities
25L Human Design Authorities with guest expert, Hilary Jackendoff
28L Prayer
30L Journaling
32L Open Centers in Human Design BodyGraph
34L Inner Conflict Resolution Journaling
38L Human Design Profiles, Part 1
39L Human Design Profiles, Part 2