Here’s some of my Previous Exclusive Dating Advice
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson
A Nice Guy Guide
Be A Relationship Jedi:
Why Do Women Like Confident Men?
How to Boost Your Confidence
Have you gone on a date in the last 3 months? Watch this
Overcome fear of rejection - answer in this doc
"Dating is a chance to get to know someone, not a prerequisite to sleep with them." - Mandy Hale
Want to create sexual tension with women you're flirting with? Sexual tension stems from desire mixed with uncertainty, suspense, and even a bit of nervousness! You can do this by lowering your voice and slowing down, getting closer to her in a subtle (non-threatening way) and maintaining physical contact for just a moment longer. Then, look at her lips. All of this is indicating you're interested in her, and you're building the sexual tension
Many men end up in the friend zone with women simply because they are afraid to share sexual intent. If you are worried that by sharing your romantic interest in a woman, she won't reciprocate, then you are operating out of the fear of loss rather than being true to how you feel and what you want. The only way to get what you want is by being honest. While this may sometimes lead to rejection, sometimes it won't!
For Club Members Only - 10 Essential Questions You Must Ask Before You Commit To Somone New
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature." - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book II, 8.
"The person you most need to be honest with is yourself. If you can't look yourself in the eye and be honest, how can you expect someone else to be?" - Jordan Peterson
Cultivating Self-love:
When talking to a woman you think is attractive, remind yourself that your intention is to learn more about her not to get her phone number. Remember: you don't know if you want her number yet. While attractiveness might be the reason you approached her, it's her energy and personality that will compel you to stick around.
Quick challenge for you today: Disconnect to Connect. We are so bombarded by technology which can actually increase rates of depression, anxiety and feelings of loneliness. Today, I want you to disconnect from technology and find a way to connect with someone (without using your screen!). Grab lunch with a friend or co-worker or an afternoon coffee or share a ride home with someone!
We often spent too much time analyzing an emotionally unavailable person (trying to figure them out and solve their issues), and not enough time walking away from someone who isn't good for us.
Just a reminder to be patient, yet persistent with online dating. Online dating can take time, so don't get discouraged if you don't get matches or responses right away. And remember, online dating is only one way to meet great women. Make sure you're balancing your search online with social opportunities outside the home.
Doc: how to connect to a good woman
Doc: What to do if a girl doesn’t respond
Q: How do I get over the fear of rejection?
Q: What is the best way to address sex drive differences or desire discrepancies that my partner and I are experiencing?
Q: What kind of dates do women prefer?
A: While each woman is different, most women will appreciate any date that has been organized by YOU! The effort and seamlessness will be appreciated. If you don't know her too well (e.g. whether she's sporty or not) stick to something a touch more traditional like meeting for dinner and drinks, but make sure you know the venue so you can feel at ease and make her comfortable by sharing suggestions. (1/2)
Once you get to know her better and learn more about her interests, your dates should reflect that you've been listening to her. You can then try for something more personalized to her taste like a cooking class, picnic or a favourite restaurant of hers, etc. (2/2)
Q: I would love some good approach advice and a few pick-up lines I can use! Answer Inside
Q: What is the best way to address sex drive differences or desire discrepancies that my partner and I are experiencing?
Audio answer
Q:If you've been ghosted by a woman you're dating you might wonder what you can text her. Here are a few options.
Q: How can you let a friend know you have feelings for her? Answer here.
Q: Should I be friends with my ex? Answer here
Q: How Can I Stop Overthinking & Ruminating? Private Podcast Inside
Q: What should I be aware of if I am dating for the first time after a divorce or a long-term relationship?
Q: How Do I Move a Friendship To Something Romantic?
Confidence With Women Tips:
Confidence tip with women. When talking with women, use a slower and lower voice. It shows dominance and make you appear more sexually fit. Be mindful of how high your pitch is and how quickly you talk.
The main thing that separates shy, defensive and unattractive body language from the kind that's confident, compelling and powerful is openness.Confident men tend to open themselves up, spread themselves out and take up space.Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, your arms at belt level (as opposed to cross in front of your chest) and your head held high conveys a clear message of confidence and authority.
The only way to truly become competent at something is to work at it. And when you become competent, you become confident. What are you working on this holiday season? Your body language, your tone, your sense of style, your cooking skills, talking with more people? Your attempts don't need to be perfect, but they do need to happen for you to learn!
Confidence tip from Navy Seals: Good communication as a leader is about 7% of the words you say. The rest comes down to tone and body language. As you meet people, mingle and go to social events this year, keep your hands out of your pockets and stand up straight. Make eye contact with as many people as you can. When you actively practice positive body language it actually increases your own confidence in front of groups of people.
Women will first look at your attire and second at how you walk. Even if you're not going on a date, you still want to dress well. You never know who you can run into at the coffee shop or grocery store. What are you planning to wear as you head into the New Year?
Feel more confident paying compliments to women. If you're complimenting a woman aged 20-30, tell her how different she is from other girls you meet. If she's over 30+, tell her how sexy it is that she's into X (could be passion or hobby). If she's over 40+, let her know you admire women with such fine taste in fashion or (insert passion or hobby). Can you try this today?
Psychological attractiveness is an important influence in dating and relationships. This puts the focus more on how you behave and your personality, versus external factors. While external factors are still important (physical health, what you wear, and grooming), you want to display pleasant and cheerful behaviour to be seen as attractive. Learning how to develop rapport, flirt and create intimacy through conversation are all important elements.
When texting a woman for the first time never start your initial message with something long and drawn out, or push for a lot of conversation early on. This is a mistake. Rather, start with something casual, and to the point.
Remember this general rule for texting women: Texting is a means to coordinate an in-person date, not for long drawn-out conversations. If you get stuck in back-and-forth texting marathons, you need to change up your strategy. Ask her out instead of asking about her day.
Have you ever heard of the 3-second rule? It's an old pick-up artist trick, but it does have merit. It means that when you see an attractive woman, you approach her within the first 3 seconds! Why? Because the longer you wait, the more time you'll worry, overthink it and chicken out. So, the next time you see an attractive woman, be quick about it.
Today, make sure you stand tall and keep your shoulders back. You never know who you may run into or who you might meet. When you stand tall, it keeps your mind alert and your body energized.
We can tell someone's emotional state from their body language. We're communicating through our bodies before we're even aware of what we are feeling. Become more aware of how your body is sharing information with you and others.
If you want to avoid the dreaded "friend zone", make your romantic intentions clear early on. It's important to establish from the beginning that you are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, rather than just being friends. Flirt, compliment, and show interest in your potential partner's life and interests. Ask them out on a date rather than just "hanging out" as friends!