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Subscribe for $77/month and receive exclusive multimedia content via SMS:

  • Weekly Money Readings & Trainings (every Sunday)

  • Psychic Channelled Text Messages (3-5x per week!)

  • Monthly Money Channel Community Call (last Monday of the month)

The intentions of this space are to:

⭐️ Help you develop your own Money Channel and initiate you into Evolved Abundance Consciousness

⭐️ Texts to lovingly kick your ass & help you stay on track with your $ goals

⭐️ Provide a unique community for you get to TRULY connect & network with other abundant humans

⭐️ Receive individualized support from me!


I'm Jacquelynne, owner of LUXOM Consulting Group, money channel, matrix-crumbler, lottery winner, New Earth Economist. I know deeply from lived experience that true abundance is found when we align Money to our Soul. Our world is changing and we get to Evolve with it. When we unhook from self-sabotage patterns and outdated paradigms, we stand in our potential and evolve the abundance consciousness of the planet. I’ve spent my life experimenting + mastering the energetic and material aspects of money. When you sign up for the Money Channel, we get to walk the soul’s path together! See you soon! -Jacq